
I haven’t updated in a while… Oops! Anyhow, between family bbq’s and stress eating, my diet has taken a hit. On the bright side, I’m down 26lbs total!! 

What’s going on in my world?

My son (7month old) has to go to PT twice a week due to torticollis issues. He also has to have a helmet to round his head back out since one side is flat and nothing we did rounded it out. So, that’s crappy. My husband got a new job and he’ll be bringing in twice what he did before. Woohoo! I want to get out of our condo so that means saving for a down payment, repairing my husband’s credit score, and fixing up the condo to appeal to potential buyers. (I’ve tracked my credit score for years, but I guess my husband decided he’d just let it sort itself. That’s not quite how it works.) I have to do this all on my own because my husband is now working crazy long hours. I’m more crafty than I am a home-remodel-DIYer, but that’s what YouTube is for. Right? I’m cracking down on our budget (read: making one for the first time) and that means finding ways to save more money. The faster we save, the sooner we’re out of here! I’m trying out family meal prep with freezer meals. I bought a Costco card so I can do it all in bulk. I’ve scoured Pinterest for foods that my picky husband will eat and I’ve started planning/ organizing the hell out of everything. I’m taking this SAHM stuff seriously! I also need to prep my toddler for pre-school (if I decide to send her) then kindergarten AND I still have to take the kids outside to play even though I really dislike being in the sun. I’m so pale that I reflect the sun. Yep, that just adds to my already chaotic days.

There you have it. I’ll try to update more often, but we’ll see how that goes!


It’s been completely hectic around here and I forgot to update with my results! During the 24 Day Challenge, I lost 9lbs and 15 5/8 inches! I had an upper respiratory infection (with a sinus infection and ear infection, but who’s keeping track?) for a week and a half in the middle, so I couldn’t workout. That hindered my progress a bit. 

  It’s from a different angle, but you get the gist. I feel SO much better. I have SO much more energy. 

As of today, I’m down 21lbs total!!! That’s 16lbs since starting with AdvoCare in the middle of March. I’m incredibly proud of myself and I can’t believe the changes in my body. I’ve FAR surpassed my own expectations. My husband even wants to try it, seeing my transformation!!

I can’t wait to take my kids to the beach this summer without being uncomfortable in my own skin!

AdvoCare is not only a game changer, it’s a life changer.

If you want to join me on this mission, you can go here.